
A Polaroid Family

These Polaroids exhibit a fascinating look at the different perspectives on the environment shared by my family during the summer of 2020 as we navigated the changes brought by the pandemic. 

We had never spent so much time together. Even while sharing a roof, I would often go more than a week without seeing my brother because of our vastly different schedules.

I look back on the extra time we spent together, in spite of the seriousness of its cause, as an incredible gift.

When making the zine, I wanted it to feel like the family photo albums you might find tucked under a coffee table.

January and False Ambience


During the month of January I created a Polaroid every single day. The Polaroid from January 1st was a long exposure, taken as the new year began. This project forced me to create every day in a permanent way. Some days I would have many Polaroids to choose from. Some days, I would rush take something before midnight came.

False Ambience

As I have started to explore the world of instant photography, I have enjoyed pushing the limits of Polaroid film. In this zine, I have tried to capture the ways that artificial light subtly transforms the way we experience a space as natural light fades away. These photos were made long after the sun had set in Sacramento and Rocklin, CA.

Urban Labyrinths

Urban Labyrinths is a collection of street photos that are an exploration of my time in Japan in 2018. Navigating the cities was like finding my way through a maze with playful light and shadow around every corner.